By Rev. Fr. Edwin Tolentino OSJ
Parish Priest
Greetings from the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Joseph the Patriarch!
There is much to be joyful for, thus far, in the Year of St. Joseph, the man of charity. For instance we usher in our 2021 town fiesta the unveiling of the parish website despite of the uncertainty brought about by the CoViD-19 pandemic. With the assistance of my brother priests in the parish, Rev. Fr. ServandoSentales, OSJ and Rev. Fr. Rolan Indicio, OSJ and the joint effort of the Parish Pastoral Council headed by Sis NormelinaAguila as well as the Parish Finance Council under the care of Sis Rosalinda Flores the initial step of parish digitalization deeply invoke the commitment in mission. As servant leaders of the Catholic Church, we are constantly reminded to reflect on our intention to reach one another and spread the faith as we commemorate the one hundred and fifty years of St. Joseph’s proclamation as Patron of the Catholic Church. We fervently join Pope Francis in discovering Joseph – the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence – an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble as described in the Apostolic Letter “Patris Corde.”
We as Catholics are called upon to evangelize and bring Jesus to the people. We are called to be people of God who share the excitements and challenges of faith. It is therefore our commitment to make Jesus known to the world in any available means possible. The very same commitment we are called to know St. Joseph as well.
And at present, people are interconnected more than ever through social media on the World Wide Web.
The Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Joseph the Patriarch grabbed this opportunity to use this valuable resource for evangelization which is almost limitless and borderless. By using this digital platform, the church can spread good news that can open the eyes of the people to the truth and spark an interest to learn more about faith, culture, traditions, and lifestyle.
Welcome to the first ever parish official website and share with us in a true communion of life as St. Joseph guide us in the path.
Ite Ad Joseph!
By Sis. Normelina F. Aguila
PPC Coordinator
Generations have evolved and changed over time. New trends and technology conquer the world and become a necessity for us in today’s world. Digitalization for instance, is the new platform that requires significant technological updates and willingness to accept that “the attachment to the past may prove to be a dangerous temptation” (Pope Francis, May 1, 2018). The Parish digitalization as an endeavor of the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Joseph the Patriarch aims to enhance formation opportunities, in-depth our knowledge and appreciation of the Liturgy as a powerful tool for evangelization, and broaden our exposure to various forms of devotions, culture and traditions which shape the life of the faithful.
This digital transformation of the parish is the response as well to the call of the church to bring a profound impact on ideas of time and space, on our self-understanding, our understanding of others and the world, and our ability to communicate, learn, be informed and enter into relationship with others” (CV, 86).
With the help of the Parish Pastoral Council , the church ministries and the Parish Finance Council under the shepherd of the Reverend Fathers headed by our parish priest Rev. Fr. Edwin Tolentino, OSJ, the Archdiocesan Shrine and Parish of St. Joseph the Patriarch becomes steadfast in proclaiming effectively the Gospel to all - anytime, anywhere!
May this effort intensify our love for the church and with one another as we are crossing beyond limits of reaching and connecting people. May the humble work of our patron saint, St. Joseph the Patriarch inspires us to be more committed in serving the church.
Ite Ad Joseph!